Ever wondered what your pet would say to you if it could talk? I take the mystery out of what your pet wants or needs. I hold your pet in my lap or I could hold an item it owns and I can help answer some of those nagging questions. Change in behaviour, health, everyday life questions or your pet has past on and you want to know if they are okay, I can help you (must have pet present or pet collar or picture).
Isabel O’Kanese is a Native seer from a long line of spiritually gifted family members. I am a 41-year-old Oji-Cree from the Turtle Clan and have been psychic my whole life. I feel my medium ship, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience are passed down from my parents. I believe being from First Nations is what makes me so sensitive to Spirit. My earliest memories are of spirits; playing with them, talking and even helping them return to the spirit world. www.kissingfrogwallflower.webs.com