Non-discrimination, part 2

It seems only fitting on Martin Luther King Day that we shout out our Non-Discrimination Statement loud and proud today.
Unfortunately today, a client decided to verbally abuse several of our practitioners and sadly, this was not an isolated incident. They carried the MIS-belief that the “customer is always right” and that the staff at our establishment should put up with abuse and hostility. We have finally had to revise our statement with a reminder of how to conduct yourself in a mutually safe and respectful manner at Heart & Hands.
All of our community members are encouraged to express themselves in a dignified and peaceful manner, but behaviour that attacks or oppresses the rights of anyone (practitioner, volunteer, client) at our clinic will not be tolerated.
We exercised the extremely rare right to refuse service to someone who violated our safety of a space we work so hard to courageously protect.
Heart & Hands supports big hearts & open minds.
We thank you for YOUR continued support <3