Fundraising KimchiChanChan for sale!

The H&H acupunks are making an EPIC batch of the legendary KimchiChanChan (Christina Chan‘s proprietary blend) to raise funds to send Veronica​ Palmer-Jones to the Si Yuan Balance Method Acupuncture​ seminar in Vancouver this October!

Treat your tummy to some delicious, handmade fermented probiotic kimchi, while supporting Veronica on her journey to becoming an acupuncture super star!

**SOLD OUT, due to popular demand, watch for a 2nd sale late September!**

500ml jars $10-20 sliding scale
Pick-up will be at Heart & Hands, THURSDAY – SATURDAY!

Ingredients (CONTAINS FISH):
Sui choy cabbage, carrots, daikon radish, red cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, leeks, shiitake mushrooms, wakame seaweed, white onion, garlic, ginger, FISH SAUCE, red miso, Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru), pineapple, sea salt, *magic*.

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