A loyal & regular client
This is Gail ♡ She’s been a loyal and regular Heart & Hands client for the past 3 yrs and counting…
We have moved to 2612 Quadra St., just north of Kings Ave.
This is Gail ♡ She’s been a loyal and regular Heart & Hands client for the past 3 yrs and counting…
H&H is an integral part of my health team. This place has been there for me time and time again. Excellent one on one care and something that can not be understated, I always feel heard. Big love. R.K. (& Sally)
A good friend of mine one day convinced me to tag along with her to H&H. Acupuncture was definitely outside of my wheelhouse and not something I new much about. After that first session, I was in. I go as often as I can. With all that I have going on in my life, that…
Christina Chan, R.Ac. is currently on medical leave until January. A recent medical update can be found HERE. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact, info@heartandhandscommunity.ca We will also be closed from December 24th to January 1st for a well-deserved break over the holidays. We strongly encourage you to maintain your course of…
Jade or JO (she/they) came to studying acupuncture and TCM with an interest in providing accessible care and working in outreach. They believe acupuncture and TCM can be a powerful tool to build resiliency, restore a sense of connection and safety within the body and can help support and manage a diverse range of conditions….
Nine years ago, I was connected to Heart & Hands through a mutual friend. I was looking for a Victoria location to host my first solo gemstone show on Vancouver Island. My seasonal shows at Heart & Hands has been the only solid, constant element in my life for the past nine years. I always…
Nappers!We will be closed MONDAY July 1st for Canada Day!We hope you enjoy your long weekend, enjoy the festivities and pay your respects to the land that we are visitors on. Enjoy your long weekend and we will see you back in a chair TUESDAY at 10am!
Do you love Humans of Heart & Hands? Do you love us? We would love it if you contribute your story and photo!