Hey Christina, I’ve been starting a daily poetry practice. Yesterday I wrote one called ‘Heart & Hands’. And I just want to say thank you for the help you’ve provided to my emotional and physical health over the years. Here’s the poem:

Marko is wearing a baseball cap, playing guitar at sunset

Pockets of air
Bubbling up
Under my skin

Building up walls
Blocking energy
Burning, bubbling

Their weight Is heavy
Carcinogenic masses

I can’t reach
Are your needles handy?
And are you feeling Precise?

Precise enough
To pierce
Those pale pimples
Pop them open
That they release
Their hold

So I can
Breathe again
Swim again
Open my eyes again
Smile again

See that light

M.Cu., founder of the Existence Project, a creative workshop that connects marginalized people to their community through the power of story.

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