A message from the H&H acupunks & scheduling for November – December

Christina Chan, R.Ac. is currently on medical leave until January. A recent medical update can be found HERE. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact, info@heartandhandscommunity.ca

We will also be closed from December 24th to January 1st for a well-deserved break over the holidays.

We strongly encourage you to maintain your course of treatment which supports your health and wellbeing as well as our small business.

Within our clinic, we all share patient files so you can transition from practitioner to practitioner and maintain a consistent course of treatment. If you are seeing a practitioner you have not seen before, please book ahead so can we familiarize ourselves with your health history and treatment plan. 

For an up-to-date practitioner roster visit: heartandhands.janeapp.com

Thank you for entrusting us with your care,
~Susan, Veronica, Jenica & Sarah, the H&H acupunking team

And again, here are some ways you can continue supporting H&H, Christina & our acupunks:

  • Keep Christina your thoughts during her recovery and into the new year
    Whenever necessary, she will post updates on our BLOG.
    And if you are curious, learn a little more about lupus.
  • Support H&H by supporting our ‘punking team
    As stated above, our capable, talented team will be covering Christina’s hours until the New Year. Receiving regular treatment supports yourself and the H&H community as a whole, so keep getting poked!
    BOOK your appointment today!
  • Pay it forward
    We have a sliding scale in place. Reflecting on the the values of Heart & Hands, if your situation allows, we encourage you to please pay above the lower end of our sliding scale. Even with an additional $2-5 (if it is within your means) can make a huge impact, helping to relieve some of the constant financial pressure of running our tiny business in Downtown Victoria. 
  • Support H&H by sending us your loved ones
    Heart & Hands THRIVES on your word-of-mouth. If you love what we do or there is someone in your life in need of TLC, please send them to H&H, so they can also get poked!
    And there are other ways to SUPPORT us
  • Share your H&H Story
    Be part of our Stories Project: Humans of Heart & Hands!
    Be part of the living document demonstrates the profound impact community acupuncture. We encourage you to contribute to Humans of Heart & Hands.
    FIND OUT more
  • Volunteer for us!
    Our front desk volunteer team keeps our Community Acupuncture practice running smoothly as well as keeping our clinic clean, comfortable and efficient, whether you give or receive care at Heart & Hands :)
    Apply to volunteer!
  • Do you live outside of YYJ or acupuncture isn’t your thing?
    Please spread the word.
    TALK ABOUT us on social media, don’t forget to tag us @heartandhandsyyj
    OR SHARE our website, www.heartandhandscommunity.ca

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