Quarantine Digital Care Package #12

It has officially been ONE YEAR since I started creating these curated packages for our community in lieu of doing what we do best. I recall the state of disbelief and paralysis we were all feeling collectively and globally as BC officially declared a state of emergency and we entered lockdown. I felt exhausted and helpless, but then I recollected myself and decided to create packages to keep the lines of communication open with our clients and beyond as well as to offer safe, cost-effective or free resources to support people’s nervous system and to maintain hope during a time when so many were and are still down and out.

We have lost touch with so many of our clients, community and colleagues. There has been so much loss, of employment/income, aspects of our way of life and most tragically, lives lost to not only COVID, but ongoing structural inequalities that ultimately take the lives of BIPOC and drug users. Despite this, it has forced us to examine what our previous normal was and to question what really is important and whether it really was sustainable in our current state of climate emergency and ever-growing wealth disparity.

Despite our world being turned upside down, many have stayed in touch, continue to fill our chairs, have opened their hearts, their arms and those who can, their wallets in acts of beautiful collective community care. We don’t know what will be in-store in the coming weeks and months, but spring is here as it always comes every year. The days are getting longer, the weather milder and our gorgeous west coast spring that is the envy of the rest of the country is in full spring.

With the transition from a strange a difficult winter into an easier, more spacious spring, this is an appropriate time for reflection. Much like the duality of the yin-yang, everything in the natural world exists in an ever-evolving state of relative opposites. While we have so much loss to grieve, do not forget what we have to be grateful for.

I hope these packages have brought you comfort in the past year of pandemic life. I hope it brings you all hope to receive them as much as they’ve brought me each time I create them. As always, be safe, wear a mask and most importantly, be kind.

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