Masking updates!

With upcoming changes to mask mandates, we would like to remind everyone that masking is still required within medical facilities.

We will continue to wear masks at H&H.

Due to the nature of our community space + that many of our clients are medically vulnerable and/or of varying vaccination statuses, masking is the simplest measure we can take to protect both clients and practitioners.

H&H has had 0% COVID transmission since we reopened May 2020, THANK YOU for continuing to keep our community safe!

The BCCDC is starting to recommend we wear N95/KN95 masks for a higher degree of protection, but we also acknowledge that due to supply chain issues and socio-economic barriers, not everyone in our community can access these. However, as a medical facility, our priority is to ensure our masking policies are solid to protect everyone, both practitioner and client alike.

  • We are reminding everyone that we require AT LEAST 2 layer masks, that fit snugly over your nose and mouth to reduce the spread of aerosols. We also encourage you if possible to double mask.
  • We have pleated medical grade masks available for $2.
    If your mask is not in good condition or too thin, we will sell you one.

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