Community care is….
Our ever-evolving bathroom whiteboard, mindfully filled with compassionate and thought-provoking ways in which we can show up for everyone in our community.
And most importantly, voicing the importance and solidarity of continuing to mask in shared, indoor settings such as Heart & Hands. We are heartened to know that many folks still acknowledge that it is a dangerous thing to talk about the pandemic in the past tense when it is still very much a present risk.
In recent weeks, we’ve had pushback from those who disapprove of our masking policies, including someone who has decided to accuse me of “religious discrimination”. We have been extremely blessed that the majority of our clients continue to make an effort masking to decrease the risk to fellow immunocompromised acu-nappers. But for the vocal minority who see this as an attack on personal freedoms and don’t even bother to reflect on the impact their actions have on those around them – Heart & Hands is not the place for you and we will be happy to refer you elsewhere.
We have staff and clients who are medically vulnerable and increasingly more and more spaces that no longer are safe for immunocompromised folks, THEREFORE, it is essential that Heart & Hands remains one of the few places where we prioritize the health and safety of those without the privilege of being healthy and able-bodied.
We continue to send a HUGE THANKS for our loyal client base for giving a shit about the immunocompromised and their ongoing compliance with our COVID protocols. Thank you for keeping us safer so EVERYONE has access to our vital services.
I wear a mask to protect myself. I wear a mask to protect those around me.
We thank you in advance for doing the same.
Christina Chan, R.Ac., your (immunocompromised) acupunk