COVID updates

H&H and Green Muse Herbs team all masked and standing in front of our windows

Heart & Hands + Green Muse Herbs joint masking statement

Green Muse Herbs and Heart & Hands Health Collective, as businesses, have both been built on values of economic and disability justice, mutual aid, community care, and upholding public health and safety. We are one of the few remaining safer retail and clinical spaces for people with vulnerable and suppressed immune systems and will continue…

A masking reminder from Jade & Christina

A masking reminder from Jade & Christina

With the growing tidal wave of COVID infections combined with the usual seasonal illnesses, Jade and Christina are taking the VERY IMPORTANT opportunity to remind our community that if you’re not masking in crowded spaces both indoor and outdoor, that maybe you should consider starting again. Seasonal gatherings are on the horizon, there is the holiday shopping…

Masking is harm reduction

Masking is harm reduction

Masking acknowledges that the pandemic is not the thing of the past. Masking is a simple act that can be done regardless of health or vaccination status. Masking stands in solidarity with our immunocompromised community members. Masking decreases the spread of other airborne infections aside from COVID-19, ’tis the season. Masking lessens the pressure on…

Why do we still keep the front door locked?

Why do we still keep the front door locked?

Locking our front door was part of our reopening COVID health and safety policies, ensuring folks were properly screened for symptoms and masked prior to entering our clinic. And while a lot of the world, including (sadly) medical facilities, have relaxed protocols, we acknowledge that we live in a different world now. We choose to…

Client accountability & reiterating our cancellation policies

Client accountability & reiterating our cancellation policies

COVID case counts are on the rise again. Unsurprising due to this lingering chilly spring and more people out in the world choosing not to mask. With rising cases comes a rise in short notice cancelations. In recent weeks, on a daily basis, we receive 3-4 short notice cancellations, sometimes with clients calling as little…

Our sliding scale and what WE NEED from you!

Our sliding scale and what WE NEED from you!

We operate using a $30-60 sliding scale, which is available to anyone at anytime with no income verification, no questions asked. Clients are encouraged to choose an amount that is affordable and sustainable over time so that they can continue to come as often as necessary to get and stay well. When using our sliding scale…

Masking updates!

Masking updates!

With upcoming changes to mask mandates, we would like to remind everyone that masking is still required within medical facilities. We will continue to wear masks at H&H. Due to the nature of our community space + that many of our clients are medically vulnerable and/or of varying vaccination statuses, masking is the simplest measure…