Community Acupuncture
Christina Chan, R.Ac.
Jaay (Jade) Kulhawy-Bartlett, R.Ac.
Questions? Contact us
Mon | 9:30am – 2:15pm (J) |
Tues | 9:30am – 2:15pm (C) |
Wed | 3:00 – 7:45pm (C) |
Thurs | 9:30am – 3:00pm (C) & 3:00 – 7:45pm (J) |
Fri | 9:30am – 2:15pm (J) & 3:00 – 7:45pm (C) |
Sat | 10:00am – 3:15pm (C) |
Affordable and accessible.
Acupuncture treatments offered in a supportive group setting at sliding scale rates. We provide treatments consisting of distal points (arms, legs, head, ears) while comfortably lying in zero gravity recliner chairs.
Community acupuncture = affordable and accessible holistic health care.
Community Acupuncture is both a practice/business model as well as a social movement first founded by Lisa Rohleder and Skip Van Meter, both Licensed Acupuncturists in Portland OR. It makes acupuncture an accessible option to a wider range of individuals who otherwise could not afford the going rate for acupuncture. It is also a modern take on how acupuncture is traditionally provided in Asia; in a large open space, treating many people at once, quickly, efficiently and effectively.
“Creating a space in which patients find refuge requires relying on my heart and my hands rather than on my head. Treating many patients in a single large room helps reinforce that the space belongs to them as much as it belongs to me. This is the space that working class patients need in their relationship with acupuncturists.”
~Lisa Rohleder, L.Ac.
Find out more about Community Acupuncture, read our FAQ .
NEW client rates
Sessions are up to 50 minutes. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early.
$40-70 sliding scale (includes $10 paperwork fee).
Clients with MSP, $12-32 sliding scale
Questions? See “General info for NEW clients” below!
RETURNING client rates
Sessions are up to 50 minutes. Please arrive at least 5 minutes early.
$30-60 sliding scale
Clients with MSP, $12-32 sliding scale
General info for NEW clients
Tips for a relaxing visit to H&H
Will my health insurance cover the cost of acupuncture?
YES! Acupuncture is covered by most extended health plans in BC. Please contact your employer or extended health provider to find out about your coverage. The UVic Student Health Plan and Camosun College student plan also covers acupuncture fees.
However, due to the high volume nature of Community Acupuncture, we do not direct bill to Extend Health Providers. Our $30-60 sliding scale is also intended to be affordable to individuals who do not have extended health coverage and need to pay out of pocket for such expenses.
Direct Billing to MSP
For B.C. residents who qualify for premium assistance (an income of $42 000 or less) Medical Services Plan (MSP) will cover $23 per visit to a maximum of 10 visits of Community Acupuncture per calendar year. Find out more
For more information, visit FAQ