stimulate qi & blood circulation

SUNDAY Jan. 20, Take Home TCM: Moxa 101

SUNDAY Jan. 20, Take Home TCM: Moxa 101

Sunday Jan. 20th,
learn the basics of the traditional technique of moxabustion in this simple workshop facilitated by Susan Shields, R.Ac.

Moxabustion is especially ideal in climates such as ours on Vancouver Island, which is generally characterized as windy, cold and damp for most of the year. It can help warm up and dry out our bodies.

SUNDAY Sept. 23, Take Home TCM: Moxa 101

SUNDAY Sept. 23, Take Home TCM: Moxa 101

Sunday Sept, 23rd,
learn the basics of the traditional technique of moxabustion in this simple workshop facilitated by Susan Shields, R.Ac.

Moxabustion is especially ideal in climates such as ours on Vancouver Island, which is generally characterized as windy, cold and damp for most of the year. It can help warm up and dry out our bodies.