
Supporting Immunity using Traditional Chinese Medicine: Workshop at Victoria Anarchist Book Fair

Christina hams it up holding a pretend mustache under her nose.

Getcher MOXA ON and other such excellent immunity boosting strategies!! Learn some basics for supporting and building immunity based on centuries old ancestral traditions as part of the 18th Annual Victoria Anarchist Book Fair!

Supporting Immunity using Traditional Chinese Medicine 

Sunday Sept 24, 12:00-12:50pm (Outdoor tent, weather permitting)

Cold and flu season is upon us and many of us spend the fall-winter-spring season in this revolving door of illness, slow recovery and back into illness, over and over for months. Those with certain work environments (ie. outdoors, small offices, schools, health care) or certain elements at home (ie. kids, pets, mould,

dust). Some unfortunate souls spend the majority of the colder months with perpetual sniffles, sore throats and general malaise as they drag through one illness to the next.

And in pandemic times, it is additionally important to support and protect immunity to avoid COVID infection or to ensure you recover effectively and fully after the fact so your risk of lingering symptoms or long COVID is reduced.

Our session will include a basic introduction to the TCM theory of immunity as well as teaching 3 practical and accessible and traditional approaches (moxabustion, gua sha, lifestyle/diet therapy) for supporting and/or rebuilding immunity.

We will have smokeless.moxa sticks & post-COVID/viral recovery kits for sale at the end of the workshop.

Presented by Christina Chan, R.Ac. (she/her) & Jaay (Jade) Kulhawy-Bartlett, R.Ac. (she/her)

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