UPDATE: Bara Acu, Heart & Hands, Green Muse Herbs and ASC Launch mini pop-up September 15th :)

Unfortunately, due to a family emergency, Bara has had to cancel her September 14+15 dates, but don’t worry, she has her upcoming dates in October, November and December set, so look ahead in our JaneApp schedule to catch her another month!
BUT, never fear!
Jade (JO) Oswald, R.TCMP. still has Cupping & Gua Sha available on Sunday at 11:00am, 11:45am, 12:30pm, 2:00pm and 2:45pm up for grabs if you are still looking for some tension taming!
We will also be graciously hosting some VIPs from the Abortion Support Collective, other allied birthworkers and their community allies from 10:00am – 2:00pm for their ASC Launch Day and Care Package Making event (click to open EventBrite). So we will be in good company with our space bustling with a birthworker gathering and what better reason to open up 2612 Quadra for some holistic health care offerings!
What else is happening on Sunday Sept 15th: