
H&H turns 14: enter our Humans of Heart & Hands Drive!

H&H turns 14: enter our Humans of Heart & Hands Drive!

This October, we can hardly believe it ourselves, but Heart & Hands turns 14!!!AND we are inviting you to share with us your Humans of Heart & Hands stories!Tell us about the impact we have made in your lives and be entered in a prize draw! We love community. And we love stories. Humans of Heart…

Sepia thank you card with a robin nesting

Your space has provided me with safety and rest coming out of a very difficult time.

A heart-warming thank you card dropped off by one of our lovely doula Community Acupuncture clients who has presently just landed back in the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples, otherwise known as Toronto. It has been an honor to care for another…

Herbal Broth for Fall Immune Support, by Jade (JO) Oswald, R.TCMP.

Herbal Broth for Fall Immune Support, by Jade (JO) Oswald, R.TCMP.

“My body is not a temple, it’s a thermos for soup”  Fall is the perfect time to begin incorporating more nourishing broths into the mix to bolster our immune system and protect ourselves against seasonal illnesses. Medicinal herbs can be combined with bones or chicken feet and seasonal vegetables to make for a nutrient-rich broth…

Yin within Yang, by Jaay (Jade) Kulhawy-Bartlett, R.Ac.

Yin within Yang, by Jaay (Jade) Kulhawy-Bartlett, R.Ac.

When learning how to comprehend the basic principles of Chinese medicine, students are taught that all of the philosophical ideas that underpin the ideas of yīn and yáng, and the ways they are interrelated, can be mapped on to the tàijí – or what in the west we might hear people casually refer to as the ‘yin-yang…

“Sliding Scale is Political. It is not a bargain.”

“Sliding Scale is Political. It is not a bargain.”

For the past 14 years, we have hashed and rehashed the core, the heart, one of the main tenets of Heart & Hands and the Community Acupuncture model : our Sliding Scale. “if it is inaccessible to the poor, it is neither radical nor revolutionary”~Jonathon Herrera Soto This statement, “Sliding Scale is Political. It is…

H&H and Green Muse Herbs team all masked and standing in front of our windows

Heart & Hands + Green Muse Herbs joint masking statement

Green Muse Herbs and Heart & Hands Health Collective, as businesses, have both been built on values of economic and disability justice, mutual aid, community care, and upholding public health and safety. We are one of the few remaining safer retail and clinical spaces for people with vulnerable and suppressed immune systems and will continue…

Your treatments worked wonders and I wanted to express my sincere gratitude.

Your treatments worked wonders and I wanted to express my sincere gratitude.

J.W. landed in Lekwungen Territories for a few weeks before heading to Ontario and they decided to give Community Acupuncture a try in the hopes of dealing with endometriosis and the accompanying intense, painful and dysregulating menstrual cycle. And to add a layer of six degrees of separation, J.W. also happened to be old university…

UPDATE: Bara Acu, Heart & Hands, Green Muse Herbs and ASC Launch mini pop-up September 15th :)

UPDATE: Bara Acu, Heart & Hands, Green Muse Herbs and ASC Launch mini pop-up September 15th :)

Unfortunately, due to a family emergency, Bara has had to cancel her September 14+15 dates, but don’t worry, she has her upcoming dates in October, November and December set, so look ahead in our JaneApp schedule to catch her another month! BUT, never fear!Jade (JO) Oswald, R.TCMP. still has Cupping & Gua Sha available on…

Closure Monday Sept 30, 2024 for the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation

Closure Monday Sept 30, 2024 for the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation

We will be CLOSED Monday Sept 30th in observance of the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation. We will be back to regular programming Tuesday October 1st. The H&H team will taking the day to reflect upon the ongoing colonization of the unceded Indigenous territories we reside upon. If you are a settler residing on Lekwengen…

Jade is on the left, JO is on the right, they are both smiling and pointing at one another. They are standing in front of a yellow wall.

Reintroducting your acupunks: Jaay (Jade) Kulhawy-Bartlett, R.Ac & Jade (JO) Oswald, R.TCMP.!

It’s been a few weeks operating at 2612 Quadra St and we’ve had a few scheduling mix-ups, so we are taking the opportunity to reintroduce two members of our acupunking team with somewhat similar names… Jaay (Jade) Kulhawy-Bartlett, R.Ac. If I were to describe myself in 3 words: Curious, considered, candid How tall are you?…