Community Acupuncture

Infographic about how long to nap

The Science Behind What Naps Do For Your Brain—And Why You Should Have One Today

At Heart & Hands, we are hardcore nap enthusiasts and any reason to encourage more napping, the better. Take for instance, this interesting article from Fast Company (click for full article): Studies of napping have shown improvement in cognitive function, creative thinking, and memory performance. Ready, set . . . snooze. How sleep affects us…

So how often should I get poked? A simple guide to treatment frequency.

So how often should I get poked? A simple guide to treatment frequency.

This is a range of recommended treatment frequencies. The frequency of treatment is dependent on a variety of factors including health history, severity, season and/or climate, age as well as how your body responds to the first 1-3 sessions. The response to acupuncture varies greatly from individual to individual. Receiving acupuncture is a PROCESS that…


Community Acupuncture: Ideal for those who roll on two-wheels

At Heart & Hands Health Collective, we are a Community Acupuncture clinic that loves our bikes! Community Acupuncture (CA) sessions are in a supportive group setting at sliding scale rates ($20-40). Cycling is integral to getting us practitioners and our gear around town, and because many of our clients walk or cycle to their appointments,…

Acupuncture, the yin & yang to running

As the Royal Victoria Marathon slowly approaches, we’d like to offer our care and expertise to the folks who are out there pounding the pavement! We’d like to encourage you to incorporate Community Acupuncture into your training schedule not just because we think everyone should take a nap, but also that acupuncture is an ideal…


To cleanse or not to cleanse, that is the question…

This autumn, there has been an increasing number of clients who are telling me, “I’m thinking of doing cleanse”… And then, I spend a bit of time talking them out of it. As a Chinese Medicine practitioner, what are my thoughts about it? Fall is rolling in foggy, chilly and damp. You can start to…

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche on Magic & Community Acupuncture

How to invoke magic: “When you express gentleness and precision in your environment, then real brilliance and power can descend onto that situation. If you try to manufacture that presence out of your own ego, it will never happen. You cannot own the power and the magic of this world. It is always available, but…

Chogyam Trunga Rinpoche on Community Acupuncture

“We need to find the link between our traditions and our present experience of life. Nowness, or the magic of the present moment, is what joins the wisdom of the past with the present.” Excerpt from “Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior. I think this applies fully to the concept of adapting the ancient…