
Small Kindnesses

Small Kindnesses

by Danusha Laméris I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walkdown a crowded aisle, people pull in their legsto let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless you”when someone sneezes, a leftoverfrom the Bubonic plague. “Don’t die,” we are saying.And sometimes, when you spill lemonsfrom your grocery bag, someone else will help youpick…

Marko is wearing a baseball cap, playing guitar at sunset

Hey Christina, I’ve been starting a daily poetry practice. Yesterday I wrote one called ‘Heart & Hands’. And I just want to say thank you for the help you’ve provided to my emotional and physical health over the years. Here’s the poem:

Pockets of air Bubbling up Under my skin Building up walls Blocking energy Burning, bubbling Their weight Is heavy Infectious Carcinogenic masses I can’t reach Them Alone Please Are your needles handy? And are you feeling Precise? Precise enough To pierce Those pale pimples Pop them open That they release Their hold So I can…