Nov. 10-12 closures!

Heads up nappers!
We have moved to 2612 Quadra St., just north of Kings Ave., on the ground floor of Blue Bird Cabs!
Heads up nappers!
How to invoke magic: “When you express gentleness and precision in your environment, then real brilliance and power can descend onto that situation. If you try to manufacture that presence out of your own ego, it will never happen. You cannot own the power and the magic of this world. It is always available, but…
Excited to welcome the newest member of the H&H acupunking team! Please welcome Sarah Strohan, R.Ac. who will be commencing sub hours in our community acupuncture practice in August! Sarah has spent the past 5 years studying Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at Pacific Rim College, in Victoria BC. Her journey with acupuncture has helped her through her…
At Heart & Hands, we love our acu-mommas! Nothing more exciting than supporting the process of childbirth and in the last few weeks, it has been baby season! Lots of labour inductions! And, I’ve finally gotten into the habit of reminding our lovely mommas to check-in with us after the birth, just to know that…
Because acupuncture does not have to be expensive in order to be effective. Because military budgets balloon while health care is cut. Because nothing breaks through the isolation of pain, illness and depression like healing in a room with other humans. Because our favorite way to spread the word about how well acupuncture works is…
It’s been a few weeks operating at 2612 Quadra St and we’ve had a few scheduling mix-ups, so we are taking the opportunity to reintroduce two members of our acupunking team with somewhat similar names… Jaay (Jade) Kulhawy-Bartlett, R.Ac. If I were to describe myself in 3 words: Curious, considered, candid How tall are you?…
What better way to spend Valentine’s Day than acu-napping with your favorite person? Bring a friend to along to your appointment and EACH session is only $15! *There is a $10 paperwork fee for NEW clients**Clients must arrive together to redeem this promotion Book yourself + 1 acunaps today!
Do you love Humans of Heart & Hands? Do you love us? We would love it if you contribute your story and photo!