March is SPRING CLEAN Acupuncture Seat Sales!

Shake off your winter woolies with a generous dose of acu-naps!
Acupuncture Seat Sales punchcards are available for the month of March!

Your ticket to stress management, immune boosting and so much more with these convenient & affordable treatment packages:

3 sessions for $55 | 6 sessions for $105

We accept cash, cheque & debit. We hope to LIMIT credit card payment for Seat Sales purchases  due to high processing fees.

Choosing to pay with debit and cash helps to ensure more goes to the clinic rather than to credit card processing fees. We really appreciate it if that is an option for you.

Makes a great gift for your loved ones…or yourself ;)
Valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.
Clients may purchase multiples punchcards. NON-REFUNDABLE!

Acupuncture Seat Sale Policies

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