Aviva’s accessible Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy referrals

What a whirlwind it has been to close my practice at Heart & Hands over the past few months and to have final sessions with my beloved clients. My heart is full. 

Wishing you all gentleness on your healing journeys; may you continue to befriend yourselves and to access the abundance of resource and care from within as well as from community.

My partner and I have decided to pack up our lives and drive up to the Yukon in August to spend a year in Tr’ondëk Hwëchin territory (Dawson City). While I will miss Heart and Hands, my community and the land, I am so grateful for this privilege to witness the magic of the north and shake things up!

And again, my last day at Heart and Hands will be on Thursday July 29th, 2021.

As promised here is a list of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists (BCST) in town who are offering free/by donation sessions while learning or have a sliding scale practice. 

L’chaim! To life!
Aviva Ciplinski, BCST

Aviva’s accessible BCST referrals: 

Sevina Vatuloka is a recent graduate of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Through her personal experience with multiple head traumas/TBIs and sexual violence, Sevina has learned a gentle approach, emphasizing the importance of laying a foundation for safety, trust, and resource building. 

She is inspired to support others through developing awareness of their nervous system. Through the development of these skills, individuals can gain autonomy through self-regulation, choosing conscious actions instead of reactions.

Sevina recognizes the process of trauma renegotiation as an opportunity to experience life with more presence, understanding, and joy. In turn, increasing our individual capacity for compassion not only for ourselves, but also our community and the earth.  

To book in with Sevina email: sevinavatu@gmail.com

Kristen is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner. She is passionate about the body’s ability to heal & feels blessed to have discovered this work. Through her own transformation & healing, while immersed in her training, she has come to understand just how intelligent the body is & how crucial it is to listen to it. Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands on therapy that supports the body’s natural rhythms and health, allowing for misalignment to transform and feel safe to move back into alignment. 

Instagram and Facebook @kristenjuliacraniosacral

To book in with Kristen check out, www.kristenjulia.ca

Hi all!
I’m Catherine, a white, cis queer femme in my final year of training in BCST with Body Intelligence here on Lkwungen territory. As I step into this work, I am committed to centering the intersection of healing work and justice and to approaching my practice through a trauma-sensitive, anti-oppressive, decolonial lens rooted in community care. I love craniosacral work for its gentle presence and attunement to health, in all the many ways health shows up in our systems. I am open to receiving practice clients for free sessions through to the end of my training in December 2021, after which time I will transition to offering paid work on a sliding scale. 

You can find a bit more about my emerging practice at touchstonecraniosacral.com, or you are welcome to contact me at catherine.a.turnbull@gmail.com or 902-483-8353.

living and learning on Lkwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ lands 

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