I so deeply appreciate the Heart & Hands Health Collective, and the gifts it has given me over the last 11 years

Heart & Hands Health Collective has been a true blessing since I started working with the clinic in 2012.

I was brought to this clinic by my Doula when my labour stopped in hospital and the staff were trying to encourage me to be induced. My Doula first brought me to this clinic and by the time I left, I was an active labour and the Doula and I had to call the midwife to meet us at the hospital ASAP. The labour and delivery experience was phenomenal (and natural !) from that point forward. :)

Fast forward to 2014 when I sustained serious head injury, and whiplash from an MVA. Heart & Hands restored my ability to work so many times as during that healing journey, I had special permission from my employer in mental health to break from the workday to attend acupuncture to address symptom increases on the job. Heart & Hands worked with me to restore my ability to go back to work fruitfully during many shifts by reducing symptoms.

The treatments were so restorative during my former work days while healing, I was able to return to work to serve the many clients that needed services after treatment. Though I now live up island, I still make the trip to come to the wonderful community of Heart & Hands when I can. I truly believe in the amazing properties of acupuncture.

As well there have been many times where during my “acu nap” that I have reached the most amazing levels of deep relaxation and meditation possible. What a gift!

I so deeply appreciate the Heart & Hands Health Collective, and the gifts it has given me over the last 11 years.


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