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Ways to support us (and yourself) into the winter
It is an increasingly stressful and uncertain time for most small businesses, now that we are midway through the fall and heading into darker, chillier and soggy Pacific Northwest days. We are sailing through uncharted waters as we embark on the start of cold & flu season during this COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to…
A social experiment: the “preferred pronoun”
A few months ago, we were prompted by a few of our clients about more inclusion, especially for individuals who are transitioning, gender non-conforming and all things in between. So, the H&H acupunks discussed amongst ourselves as well as with a client who is a member of the queer community. The end result was making…
Cupping Therapy FAQs
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Come as you are…
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Acupuncture for every age!
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July is our Annual Selfie Contest!
For the month of JULY, we wanna treat you for showing your H&H pride! 1. Take a SELFIE in front of our clinic OR in the lobby (NOT in acupuncture room pls!) 2. POST IT to FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM 3. TAG US, “Heart & Hands Health Collective” (@HeartandHandsYYJ) 4. Use HASHTAGS, #heartandhands #acupunctureforeveryone All original…