
Plant Medicine for Lovers, Fighters & Troubled Times

A solid guide to protecting and strengthening our hearts and spirits by Jenny McCartney, Medical Herbalist. At the request of a good friend, this post is dedicated to those who are fighting for the land, it’s people, and the spiritual integrity and beauty of these things– whether warriors, renegades of the heart, mothers, lovers, front-liners…

Jenny McCartney, Medical Herbalist: Herbs for Love & Sex

Regardless of how you might feel about Valentines day– herbs, love and sex go well together, and so it only seems right to zero in on this synergistic triad this mid-February, and particularly the renowned herbal aphrodisiacs. So what makes a herb an aphrodisiac? Traditionally an aphrodisiac stimulates circulation and blood flow to the erogenous…

Countering Racism & Oppression in Holistic Healing

Thought-provoking article from “Queering Herbalism”, http://queerherbalism.blogspot.ca/2013/03/no-herbal-revolution-without-anti.html “Power imbalances exist between herbalists and those who come to them to be healed/ to co-heal. As healers who are very much human, we bring in our assumptions and biases. We can’t leave them at the door. They are very much present in our consultations and inform our healing…


From Ando Modern Zen: “When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandise the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.” This quote [1] from Barbara Bloom describes Kintsugi [3], the Japanese practise of repairing precious but broken objects with gold. It’s a…