COVID Creature-Comfort Acu-Nap Contingencies

Our paper crane mobile, curly hazelnut and ladder with green fleece blankets.

As we fast approach a seasonal change (farewell summer…sniff…), we will need to get creative to ensure that you continue to be comfortable AND safe during your acu-naps and that we do not create an overwhelming amount of laundry….

Here are a few suggestions that may help you stay warm and enhance your level of comfort and relaxation:

  • DRESS WARMLY, sweaters, vests, scarves are all ways to keep your core toasty
  • Bring your own CLEAN blankets and/or heating pads, hot water bottles (yes, we have a kettle) from home
  • Toques are an option if you want to skip your head points
  • If you are prone to extra chilly feet, we can modify your point combo so you can leave your socks on
  • Headphones or ear plugs to block noise, as all the extra handwashing and talking to one another through our masks does create more background noise
  • Please do not arrive more than a few minutes before your appointment to minimize the time spent waiting outside as the weather starts cooling off and the days gradually get shorter. To maintain social distancing, it is not possible to let people wait in the lobby.
  • And if it’s been quite some time since you’ve visited to please review our COVID-19 health & safety protocols prior to your visit.

If you have additional suggestions, feel free to send them to us via our contact form 

And with the number of COVID-19 cases rising in BC over the summer and the school year is underway, we are sending a firm reminder about being cognizant of your social contacts, the settings and activities you choose to engage in, where you are traveling to and from and to be responsible and considerate of this if you choose to visit Heart & Hands.

And of course, if you suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19, to STAY HOME and use the BCCDC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool or call 8-1-1 for further instructions. We ask you not to visit us and we are happy to cancel your appointment without penalty via:
> Online, (if prior to 12 hrs of your appointment time)
> Email,
> Phone, 250-590-3185 (please leave a message, we will return your message as soon as possible)

Please protect yourselves, your community + fellow acu-nappers and our dedicated team of practitioners.
We are constantly anticipating and adjusting to the possible risks of pandemic practicing so we can continue to offer our necessary and vital services. 

We thank you in advance.
Be safe, be calm and be kind. 

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