Help me name my ride!
Hey y’all,
One of the many ways Christina has helped welcome me to Heart & Hands has been the acquisition of my amazingly stylish and surprisingly stealthy rolling stool. It has been refitted with roller blade wheels for sound reduction and allows me to roll into my role as an acupunk more smoothly.
Standing at 180 cm, I am a fair bit taller than most the punks who have worked at H&H, and the stool lets me talk to folks in the reclining chairs without quite as much bending over.
Like all great steeds, my stool deserves a name. Unable to decide on one by myself I have decided to seek suggestions from the community and offer some complimentary sessions for our favorite 4 submissions.
I am also starting a community acupuncture shift on Thursdays from 3:00 – 7:00pm starting August 4th, feel free to book online . I hope to see some of y’all there!