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Life vs. Responsibility
I spent my formative years, all through my teens into my early 20s sickly swollen and heavily medicated to suppress the raging systemic lupus I struggled with since the age of 13. Instead of experiencing those rights of passage that most youth partook – drinking, drugs, partying late, dating, travelling. Looking back, I put on…

Post-surgery update from Christina
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The Four Wives – An Inspiring Old Tibetan Story
Here is a very old and inspiring Tibetan story (and one that couldn’t be more relevant for our busy, disconnected lives of the modern world): Long, long ago when the world was young and the tiger walked with the deer, there was a rich king who had four wives. The king loved his fourth wife…
Plant Medicine for Lovers, Fighters & Troubled Times
A solid guide to protecting and strengthening our hearts and spirits by Jenny McCartney, Medical Herbalist. At the request of a good friend, this post is dedicated to those who are fighting for the land, it’s people, and the spiritual integrity and beauty of these things– whether warriors, renegades of the heart, mothers, lovers, front-liners…

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy back for the fall!
Aviva Cipilinski, is opening her schedule again this fall offering Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy!
Appointments available
TUESDAYS 4:15pm & 5:30pm
SATURDAYS 3:30pm (NEW clients) or 4:15pm (RETURNING clients) & 5:30pm
SATURDAY evenings available upon request
*Sessions are FREE, donations for the use of the space are encouraged.
**Please come in comfortable clothing and scent-free.

25 Ways to Help a Fellow Human Being Today
What a perfect intention for 2012, may we foster humanity in one another :) “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama Too often the trend in our society is for people to be separated from either other, to be cut off from…